The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Future Food Institutehave organized, in collaboration with the PRIMA Foundation (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Areas), the first Hackathon on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (SDGs) at EXCO2019, the International Exhibition on International Cooperation. The HACK for SDGS final presentations and award ceremony will take place at Fiera di Roma on May 17th 2019.
Hack for SDGs is a marathon to “hack” the challenge of facilitating the achievement and implementation of the SDGs in the agri-food sector through international cooperation. Within EXCO2019, SDGs are an opportunity for the private sector to identify innovative solutions for the development of the international cooperation sector represented by national and international agencies, governments, financial institutions, and civil society.
Challenge: How might international cooperation and collaboration contribute to the transition towards the sustainable development framework?
Kick-off, team work and speech
Award Ceremony during EXCO2019 closing event
Who can participate? PhDs, experts, professors, scientists, academics, startups and innovators.
For their participation, all teams will receive the official FAO & FFI certificate and awarded at EXCO 2019. The winning team will also have the chance to join FFI for one of their SDGs related initiatives that take place all over the world.
For the Hackathon participants, it is recommended to:
1) follow the FAO elearning course entitled “Introduction to Sustainable Development Goal indicators under FAO custodianship” available free of charge, upon registration through the FAO elearning Center:
2) consult the publication entitled “Transforming Food and Agriculture to achieve the SDGs”:
How to apply? Fill in the form no later than April 19, 2019:
For further information, please contact:
Working towards a more sustainable future is both necessary and urgent and empowering the primary sector is of key importance in building a better planet together!
Di Eleonora Cerulli