The Centre for Research in Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs (CERCIS) of the University of Ferrara is proud to release the call for the first annual event in December 16-18 2019, organised in Ferrara at the Department of Economics and Management.
It is a multidisciplinary, broadly conceived conference that provides a unique opportunity to share research methods and results, and practical experience in applying economics, management, quantitative methods and law approaches to the wide field of the Circular economy. Special emphasis is posed on innovation strategies, new business models and policy analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are relevant.
Interconnections between disciplines and approaches are high valued.
Invited speakers – Jens Horbach (Augsburg University) – Matteo Grazzi (Inter-American Development Bank) – Shunsuke Managi (Kyushu University) – Sven Olof Collin (Linnaeus University).
This is a call for papers for senior and young researchers. Please submit your 1 page abstract or a full paper by October 10, 2019 to and
All papers should display academic rigour and show evidence of practical application. Papers that have policy relevance and are in decision-making by the public and/or private sectors are highly evaluated. Selected papers will be presented in parallel sessions. Special Sessions will be organised with reference to journals as Electronic Journal of Management, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, L’Industria, Management Control,Waste Management, with the possibility to submit selected papers for special issues or individual submissions. Papers are selected by the Scientific Committee (Stefano Bonnini, Marco Di Tommaso, Roberto Ghiselli Ricci, Giovanni Masino, Antonio Massarutto, Susanna Mancinelli, Antonio Musolesi, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Francesco Silvestri, Emidia Vagnoni) by October 25th. Presenters should register to attend the conference by November 15th. The detailed final programme will be available in late November.
Special call and award for young researchers
Early career researchers within 7 years since the completion of PhD might submit the paper for a special award. The scientific committee will select during the conference up to 4 contributions which may deserve the award. The selected researchers will be offered the possibility to spend a research period of 1 month at the University of Ferrara during 2019 – travel costs and accommodation will be funded by CERCIS. They will have the possibility to work with CERCIS team and propose / organise seminars. Special funds for publishing open access papers in high quality international journals are available.
Di Eleonora Cerulli